Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 231; The Power of Doing Nothing

At the New York Public Library
Doing Absolutely Nothing

Go Ahead, Relax and Enjoy

If your anything like me, you have a hard time enjoying the fruits of your labor. I have to admit, as much as I love life and all that comes with it, there are times when I feel guilty about taking time off, being in a really posh hotel or even just putting my feet up.
I’m old enough to know better, so I’m doing better. Still, I have not gotten to where I need to be.
I’ve been working since I was 12 years old and although I no longer clean banks or houses, I still work very hard. So why is it that I feel guilty when I need to just sleep or do nothing?
Doing nothing is hard for folks who are accustomed to always doing something. Sometimes though, doing nothing is more productive than trying to produce anything.
Today, I’d like you to take at least an hour to do whatever you’d like.
Sit, read, bathe, meditate, sing, swim, dance, talk to an old friend, play a game of jacks or marbles (remember those non-battery powered games,) talk to yourself and then see how much more productive you are when you give in to doing nothing.
Those who care a lot carry a lot. We carry the stress and strain of life and the weight that comes with it.
Take the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor and then eat a piece of fruit.
Enjoy the day, your life and your love.
Do you, do well, do nothing.
Bertice Berry, PhD.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think the old Puritan work ethic has insinuated its roots deep in my being. I definitely experience the resistance you write about. I have found, though, that I work, create and even play better when I approach life with a sense of ease. This realization helps me to "justify" do-nothing time. ;)
