Thursday, April 21, 2016

Work as A Gift

 “Whatever you do, work with all your heart, as though you are working for the Lord and not people.” Colossians 3:23

Just for today, for the time that you are reading this, I’d like you to imagine that your work is a gift.  Imagine that the job you have is a way of expressing your purpose and in doing so, you are in communion and connection with all that is.

Imagine that work is the international place of worship and your church is just a way of coming together with folks who believe the way you do.

Now, imagine that when you truly work from your heart as did the Calvinists in Weber’s Protestant Ethic in The Spirit of Capitalism, you begin to see your work, your life and even yourself in the realm of Intentional Creation.

Most folks (according to Gallup, something like 80%) see work as drudgery. They feel disconnected and disengaged from the work that they do. They cannot see themselves as a part of a bigger mission, nor do they feel an alignment with the vision of that company.

Somewhere between our religion and our individualism, we have lost our connection to what Marx called the species-being; the essence of our self.

We need to work, and we need to find joy in it. Not for the money, or for the one-percenters who own it all anyway; we need to work as a means of connection to our own core.

For the thing that makes us human, is our ability to create and produce our own sustenance.

Work is not an entitlement; it is a gift. Be grateful for the gift of work, or it will feel like drudgery all the days of your life.

Be you, be well, be loving whatever you do.

Bertice Berry, PhD.

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