Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 26 of The Art of Living: 5 Things You Need to Survive Anything

Still here and getting better
5 Things You Need to Survive Life’s Stuff
Gather around boys and girls and pay very close attention. In life, stuff will happen; it will happen to the good and the “trying to be good.”
As with any journey, you have to be prepared. Here is a survival kit for getting over life’s hurdles.
Preparation, information and education-- Before you climb a mountain, get a degree, or grieve for a loved one, you need to be prepared. You would never think of climbing a mountain without learning about it first; and so it goes with life. Your family can’t buy insurance on you after you die. While no amount of money will bring you back, preparation for the loss will ease the burden. The more you know about and are prepared for, the easier the journey.
Belief, inspiration and affirmation--Before you can do anything, you have to believe that you can. We also need inspiration and affirmation from those around us. If we are constantly being told that we cannot, that we are not and that we should not; we have already been set up for failure. Believing is seeing before it appears.
Good Company---Every journey is better in the company of those who love you. Allow yourself to build strong, lasting relationships based on love, support and common desire to grow and evolve.
Happiness and health—when life happens, those who were already happy recover better. In fact, happy people tend to have a lot more happen to them; you just don’t always know it. When you are happy, you tend to have your life in more areas which means that more stuff can happen. But because you have these areas of happiness, you also have the support and constitution to keep on keeping on.
The wisdom of the elders and those who have gone before you---My elders and ancestors are a great source of wisdom but an even greater source of comfort. They reach out to me, guiding me through the stuff they have already endured. Whenever I feel that I can’t make it, one of them reminds me that I already have.
If you are going to do better, feel better, look better, then you must work at it. It will be a hard journey, so pack wisely.
Be you, be well, be equipped.
Bertice Berry,PhD.

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