Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 10: Stop and See

Stop, Look and See

Let’s jump right into this, because we have wasted enough of life’s precious moments.
This week, we will focus on focusing; the practice of actually seeing our own life.
Pay attention, because this is powerful yet simple and can pass you right by.
Read this and then do it.
 Close your eyes for a moment and take in the stillness. Allow yourself to be lost in nothingness before you. Then open your eyes. Look at everything around and before you.
Did you see something that you didn’t before? Where the colors more vivid or dull? Do you hear more clearly?
We don’t see most of what goes on around us and we appreciate even less.
This week, I’d like you to simply and wonderfully pay attention. Give attention to your ride to work and even more to the one back home.
Listen to the voice that is speaking and focus on nothing else. When you send an email or text message, do only that.
Drive without the radio and please don’t answer the cell phone. See and listen to the world around and inside of you.
Watch the birds and listen to their songs.
You will quickly find that there is a life behind the one you have been pretending to live.
Today, imagine a giant doorway. Imagine that as you walk up to it, it opens itself for you.
Walk through and see.

Be you, be well, see.
Bertice Berry, PhD.

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