Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 74 of Your Year to Wellness; Letting Go by Standing Firm

Keep searching for Your Truth

Are You Giving Yourself Away?

Yesterday I found myself in one of those conversations where I was being asked to give myself away. We’ve all been there. The conversation starts politely and then somewhere in the middle of it the other person tries to bend your belief with a seemingly innocent statement “Yes, but don’t you think…”

Whenever someone asks what you believe by telling you what you should think you are being told how to think, feel and decide.

I love a great conversation; one that enables me to learn something new or expands on the knowledge I have. I love it when my children challenge my rules and help me to see the world differently, but I also love that my beliefs are a part of my foundation; the way I see the world.

When you are asked or told to let go of your grounding and world view, you are being asked to give up on the “you” that is being created.

So today’s lesson is quick but not easy I’d like you to look at the things you’ve given into for the will or the liking of another.

·         How often do you go along to get along?

·         When you know something is right, but don’t speak up, how do you feel later on?

·         When decisions are being made do you always get your way, or do you give it away?

·         Without becoming confrontational, how can you hold on to you?

·         Are you giving yourself away?

The world is wonderful and full of all kinds of ideas and beliefs if we knew the answer to everything for certain these beliefs would be called facts.

Hold on to your ideas, dreams, and beliefs and keep searching for your answers.
Be You, be well, Be You

Bertice Berry, PhD.

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