Monday, December 9, 2013

The Art of Living: Seeing Things As Though They Are

Seeing Things As Though They Are

I’m still reveling in the celebration of the life of Nelson Mandela. More than a few folks wrote to tell me that they too were moved by Mandela’s ability to see beyond the possible. Mandela believed that no matter how difficult the task; if it was righteous, than it was inevitable.  

I marvel at the fact that President Mandela began to write his book The Long Walk to Freedom while he was still in prison. He’d been there for more than two decades and yet he knew that he would not only be released, he also realized that he would need a plan for the transition of a country that had been locked in oppression.

We all have things we desired to see happen. What if we approached them as Mandela, Lincoln, King, Wilberforce and Mother Teresa? What if we viewed our condition as a temporary state on our way to completion?

I’ve recently dealt with a great deal of injury and illness. I’ve had to go through the growth of my children and their issues and concerns. I’ve confronted family matters and matters of the heart, but today, I see them as resolved.

I am anxious for nothing and count every trial as joy. I see my desired state as the state that I am already in.

We go through life with the attitude that we will believe it only when we have seen it. Know this; you cannot see until you believe.

Mandela looked beyond the end of Apartheid and began to see Reconciliation. WOW! Even before the oppression had ended, he had already begun to say, “I forgive you.”

Today and every day that follows, I’d like you to go ahead and forgive yourself—then I’d like you to see yourself as forgiven. Walk in the belief that you already are what you desire to be.

The love you need is now.

The life you want is in front of you

The loved ones you crave are with you.

The joy you seek already exists.

See your success now and you will be ready for it when it is made manifest.

Be you, be well, be seeing.

Bertice Berry, PhD.

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